Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Where to now, neocons? Neocons (RNC) are being assailed even by their own!- aka Newt Gingrich and John McCain (okay, so maybe John’s not a card-carrying member, but neither did he tell the RNC strategists to shut up when he should have). Both Newt and John had an epiphany of rational thought or, more likely, held up fingers to see which way the wind was blowing. Whatever, it’s too early for the Neocons to panic: No need just yet to throw Karl Rove into a Baghdad slum (Hold the thought, though).

Neocons need to remember their code of non-ethics and hope that the wretched education system keeps feeding them a steady supply to illiterate idiots. That’s not a very nice thing to say, I realize. Especially when I acknowledge that my biggest complaint against Neocons is that they never argue ideas – they simply disparage their opponents – and here I am doing the very same thing. I admit to lowering my standards – but it’s so much FUN and feels so GOOD! So sue me. Wait, I was only kidding.

Anyway, this is basically a positive article. I’m urging the Neocon movement to be true to its roots, even if these roots are tangled up in septic tanks and polluted aquifers. Remember the code!


1) You don’t have to be a genius to become a neo-con. (Matter of fact . . . .)

2) There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, only ‘winners’ and ‘losers’.

3) Greed is NOT a four-letter word. Even a dog will overeat if given a chance. We want that chance.

4) If you really must go to college, major in business (maybe theology)

5) We believe in free markets. We believe in small government, especially for the small guy. We believe it for the big guy, too, of course, but sometimes the big guys (oil, mining, chemicals, manufacturing, finance, banking, and corporate farms) need a friendly boost, sometimes a friendly generous boost, especially when they fuck up.

6) We believe in the invisible hand of God in the marketplace, even if we can see He must have a really warped sense of humour. Still, it’s important to keep the fundamentalists in the fold (or ‘pack’, if you will).

7) If someone says something you disagree with, call him/her a ‘dirty commie traitor’, or ‘an un-American socialist’ and hint that you know someone in the FBI or RCMP.

8) The words, ‘commie’ and ‘socialist’, can be used indiscriminately but stay away from its close cousin ‘fascism’. This can be a sensitive area. It’s not important to know what any of those terms mean. They’re just labels, powerful labels, to be sure, and meant only to dismiss as un-American anything your opponent might have to say.

9) Be suspicious of science. What you don’t know CAN hurt you – maybe.

10) I Qf a God-fearing businessman or rancher insists that his/her welfare depends upon killing wildlife, uprooting forests, or polluting lakes and streams, back them up. Quite often, they know best, and arguing with them might well entail recruiting a scientist or two and that would never do.

11) Capital punishment isn’t perfect and accidents happen when everyone on the block owns an AK-47. But there’s much to be said about mistakes that can’t be corrected.

12) Above all, when a ‘little guy’ says ‘why can’t the government protect me and mine when we don’t have much money?’, take a moment, place a hand on each of his shoulders, look him square in the eye and, without laughing, say ‘The government is NOT your friend. Stick with us and WE’LL make you a ‘big guy’!’ As long as the education system stays as bad as it is, millions of ‘little guys’ will believe you. Trust in this.

11) Finally, it’s no sin not to listen. Except maybe to radio talk shows.

Soldier on, boys. Remember our motto: ‘When in doubt, shout!’

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